

Tree Planting

It’s tree planting time!

Come along anytime between 10am and 1pm and get stuck in to the real purpose of the community woodland, planting trees.  All you need to bring are a strong pair of shoes or boots and we will provide the trees and tools, not to mention the tea.

Tree planting is a great way to spend a morning and really rewarding as you get to see the fruit of your labour, knowing that with a little luck it will be growing in the same spot for several hundred years.

We will meet at 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley Allotments at the end of St Peter’s Footpath or find us in the woodland any time throughout the morning.

There is no need to book but please let Steve know if you intend to come along as it helps us organise refreshments and tasks.

We provide all tools and safety equipment but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes.  All ages welcome.

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