

Bats in the Woods!

Common Pipistrelle in flight

A “Bats & Moths” event was held last night, organised by the Windmill Community Allotment Project in conjunction with the Kent Bat Group. The assembled bat-hunters headed off into Dane Valley Woods at dusk, armed with special detectors that convert the bat’s high pitched calls to a noise that us humans can hear. We waited in the closing darkness on the cycle path leading through the middle of the woods, and then we heard them – a very quick pass as they are swift creatures in flight! Shirley, our bat expert, confirmed that due to the frequency at 45 kHz, we were hearing a Common Pipistrelle – using its call in the same way as sonar, to echo-locate insects to eat. To receive confirmation that there are these interesting creatures in the woods is very exciting, and can be added to the increasing list of flora and fauna that can be found within its boundaries. If you would like to become involved in helping to identify the biodiversity of the site, get in touch through our contact page – we’d love to hear from you!

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