Wed 28 February 2018, 7:30pm, Lesters pub (Ramsgate Rd, Margate), £3 per person, teams of up to 6
All posts tagged Dane Valley Woods
DVW Quiz
Wed 28 February 2018, 7:30pm, Lesters pub (Ramsgate Rd, Margate), £3 per person, teams of up to 6
DVW Quiz
Thurs 27 April 2017, 7:30pm, Lesters pub (Ramsgate Rd, Margate), £3 per person, teams of up to 6
Quiz Night
Thurs 10 November, 7:30pm, Lesters pub (Ramsgate Rd, Margate), £3 per person, teams of up to 6
Stargazing Night (rearranged from September)
The Night Sky and the Naked Eye
Thurs 3 November, 7:30pm, Dane Valley Woods, free!
Woodland Action Day
Our continuing priority is to focus on the trees that have already been planted in previous years, as they need assistance to survive. We will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 5,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed! We also maintain a network of paths to improve access to the woods, which local people have told us they enjoy using.
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can find us in the woods – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
(Don’t forget the clocks go back the night before!)
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all hard working volunteers.
Stargazing Night
The Night Sky and the Naked Eye
Thurs 15th Sept, 7:30pm, Dane Valley Woods, free!
Woodland Action Day
Our continuing priority is to focus on the trees that have already been planted in previous years, as they need assistance to survive. We will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 5,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed! We also maintain a network of paths to improve access to the woods, which local people have told us they enjoy using.
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can find us in the woods – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all hard working volunteers.
Woodland Action Day
Our continuing priority is to focus on the trees that have already been planted in previous years, as they need assistance to survive. We will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 5,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed! We also maintain a network of paths to improve access to the woods, which local people have told us they enjoy using.
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can find us in the woods – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all hard working volunteers.
Woodland Action Day – creation of mulch storage area
Our continuing priority is to focus on the trees that have already been planted in previous years, as they need assistance to survive. This includes mulching them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 5,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed!
This month we will be creating a new structure for our mulch stockpile, using wooden pallets and weed supressant matting. We will clear an area for this and also relocate the old mulch pile to its new location.
This work represents the first significant part of our improvement works undertaken with the help of Tesco’s Bags of Help scheme. There is plenty to do, so enthusiastic helpers are most welcome!
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can find us on the right hand side of the cycle path leading up into the woods from the Dane Valley Road / Kent Road mini-roundabout – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all hard working volunteers.
AGM 2016
Our Annual General Meeting is taking place on Monday 22 August, 6.30pm at 1st Margate (St Johns) Scout Hut, corner of Durban Rd / College Rd, Margate CT9 2SS. On the agenda is the following:
1) Purpose of AGM
2) Presentation by Kashmir Flint – “Exciting New Plans For The Woods”
3) Minutes of the last AGM (29 June 2015)
4) Chair’s Report (Steve Darling)
5) Treasurer’s Report (Michaela Flint)
6) Dane Valley Elders
The steering group has the discretion to nominate persons for this award, having been deemed to have made a significant contribution to the project.
7) Amendments to Constitution
8) Any Other Business
Requests to be received by the Chair or Secretary at least 7 days prior to the AGM.
9) Election of Steering Group
Nominations to be received by the Chair or Secretary at least 7 days prior to the AGM. At present, four people are on the Steering Group: Steve Darling, Kashmir Flint, Michaela Flint and Arthur Bray. A further nomination has been received for Simon Field.
In respect of Items 6, 8 and 9, you can contact Dane Valley Woods via the Contact Form on this website.
All members of the community are welcome to attend, whether or not they wish to be considered for the Steering Group. Come along and find out more about us!
Thanet Volunteers Fair
Dane Valley Woods is pleased to be attending todays fair at the new Dreamland Ballroom, organised by the Thanet Volunteer Bureau – we hope to meet many like-minded organisations and spread the word about our project. The event is between 11am-2pm, there is free entry, refreshments and a raffle, so we hope to see you there!
Woodland Action Day
Our continuing priority is to focus on the trees that have already been planted in previous years, as they need assistance to survive. We will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 5,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed! We also maintain a 1km network of paths to improve access to the woods, which local people have told us they enjoy using.
This month we will also be attending to our daisy patch, which is showing signs of suffering from bramble creep; and investigate the repair of our gazebo, for use at future events.
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can find us in the woods – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all hard working volunteers.
Woodland Action Day
Our continuing priority is to focus on the trees that have already been planted in previous years, as they need assistance to survive. We will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 5,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed! We also maintain a network of paths to improve access to the woods, which local people have told us they enjoy using.
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can find us in the woods – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all hard working volunteers.
Woodland Action Day
Our continuing priority is to focus on the trees that have already been planted in previous years, as they need assistance to survive. We will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 5,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed! We also maintain a network of paths to improve access to the woods, which local people have told us they enjoy using.
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can find us in the woods – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all hard working volunteers.
Tesco Bags of Help – Update!
Amazing, amazing, amazing news!
Thanks to everyone voting in Tesco stores, we have been awarded the first prize of £12,000 in the Tesco Bags of Help scheme!
The team are all over the moon, and we’d like to thank everyone who voted, spread the word and showed their support for us!
Woodland Action Day
This winter we are focusing on the trees that have already been planted in previous years, as they need assistance to survive. We will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 5,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed! We also maintain a network of paths to improve access to the woods, which local people have told us they enjoy using.
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can find us in the woods – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all hard working volunteers.
Please note that there will also be a separate Easter Egg Hunt event for children today – for more details click here
Easter Egg Hunt
Join Dane Valley Woods’ Easter egg hunt with a twist, on Easter Sunday from 12-1pm.
Children will meet the Easter Bunny, who will judge the Easter bonnet competition, Connie’s Happy Faces will be face painting and there will be eggs given away as well as other prizes!
Our gazebo will be set up on the green next to the woods, opposite the junction of Dane Valley Road and Kent Road.
Please book in advance (see poster below) and pay a donation on the day (we suggest £1.50 per child).
Tesco Bags of Help
We are excited to announce Dane Valley Woods has won a major new grant proposal, with a guaranteed £8,000 but we could win more with your help!
Tesco has teamed up with Groundwork to launch its Bags of Help initiative across England and Wales. The scheme will see three community groups and projects awarded grants of £12,000, £10,000 and £8,000 – all raised from the 5p bag charge. Bags of Help offers community groups and projects in each of Tesco’s 390 regions across the UK a share of revenue generated from the five pence charge levied on single-use carrier bags.
Dane Valley Woods has been shortlisted in the Thanet region, and the public will now vote in store from 27 February until 6 March on who should receive the £12,000, £10,000 and £8,000 awards.
To help us, please spread the word, and go into stores and vote for us during the voting period!
Woodland Action Day
This winter we are focusing on the trees that have already been planted in previous years, as they need assistance to survive. We will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 5,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed! We also maintain a network of paths to improve access to the woods, which local people have told us they enjoy using.
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can find us in the woods – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all hard working volunteers.
Woodland Action Day
This winter we are focusing on the trees that have already been planted in previous years, as they need assistance to survive. We will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 5,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed! We also maintain a network of paths to improve access to the woods, which local people have told us they enjoy using.
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can find us in the woods – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all hard working volunteers.
Woodland Action Day
This winter we are focusing on the trees that have already been planted in previous years, as they need assistance to survive. We will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 5,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed! We also maintain a network of paths to improve access to the woods, which local people have told us they enjoy using.
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can find us in the woods – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all hard working volunteers.
Woodland Action Day
This winter we are focusing on the trees that have already been planted in previous years, as they need assistance to survive. We will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 5,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed! We also maintain a network of paths to improve access to the woods, which local people have told us they enjoy using.
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can find us in the woods – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all hard working volunteers.
Woodland Action Day
A morning of tasks keeping the woodland in tip top condition. The trees need our help to help them to survive, we will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 4,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed! We also maintain a network of paths to improve access to the woods, which local people have told us they enjoy using.
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can find us in the woods. Follow this Google Map link – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all hard working volunteers.
Show a tree some love!
We’ve planted 600 trees this winter, and now need your assistance to help them to survive! We will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 4,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed…..!
We also maintain a network of paths to improve access to the woods, which local people have told us they enjoy using.
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can find us in the woods – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all hard working volunteers.
The Big Tree Plant II
It’s our second big tree planting event of the current winter season….. and your chance to help create the future legacy of a community woodland for Margate!
We have already managed to get 400 trees in the ground this season, which leaves another 200 trees to be planted, in conjunction with The Big Tree Plant scheme. Willing helpers are required, to help us to get them in the ground before the end of the morning…. a race against time!
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can come directly and find us in the woods – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Free hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all of our hard working volunteers!
The Big Tree Plant
It’s our big tree planting event of the current winter season….. and your chance to help create the future legacy of a community woodland for Margate!
Due to the success of our previous efforts, we have been allocated another 600 trees by The Big Tree Plant scheme. So loads of willing helpers are required, to help us to get them in the ground before the end of the morning…. a race against time!
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can come directly to the proposed tree planting area through the morning – follow this link – we’ll be near the green arrow. We are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Free hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all of our hard working volunteers!
Woodland Action Day
It’s our Big Tree Plant next month so one of our main tasks will be to ensure that land is clear for the big day.
The trees already in the ground need our help to help them to survive, we will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 4,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed! We also maintain a network of paths to improve access to the woods, which local people have told us they enjoy using.
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can find us in the woods. Follow this Google Map link – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all hard working volunteers.
Don’t forget the clocks go back one hour on Saturday night!
Woodland Action Day
A morning of tasks keeping the woodland in tip top condition. The trees need our help to help them to survive, we will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 4,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed! We also maintain a network of paths to improve access to the woods, which local people have told us they enjoy using.
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can find us in the woods. Follow this Google Map link – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all hard working volunteers.
Woodland Action Day
A morning of tasks keeping the woodland in tip top condition. The trees need our help to help them to survive, we will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 4,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed! We also maintain a network of paths to improve access to the woods, which local people have told us they enjoy using.
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can find us in the woods. Follow this Google Map link – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all hard working volunteers.
Woodland Action Day
A morning of tasks keeping the woodland in tip top condition. The trees need our help to help them to survive, we will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 4,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed! We also maintain a network of paths to improve access to the woods, which local people have told us they enjoy using.
We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath, or you can find us in the woods. Follow this Google Map link – we are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!
There is no need to book – we provide all tools and safety equipment, but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather.
All ages welcome, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Hot drink refreshments are provided at the end of the morning for all hard working volunteers.