All posts tagged environment


Latest Past Events

Woodland Action Day

Dane Valley Woods Dane Valley Woods, Margate

Our continuing priority is to focus on the trees that have already been planted in previous years, as they need assistance to survive. We will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 5,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are […]


Woodland Action Day

Dane Valley Woods Dane Valley Woods, Margate

Our continuing priority is to focus on the trees that have already been planted in previous years, as they need assistance to survive. We will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 5,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are […]


Woodland Action Day

Dane Valley Woods Dane Valley Woods, Margate

Our continuing priority is to focus on the trees that have already been planted in previous years, as they need assistance to survive. We will clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and then mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile. There are over 5,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are […]
