After last year’s dry spring that caused much consternation for us tree planters as well as the loss of a good number of the trees that we planted we have been blessed by rain at the right time of the year for the 1000 or so trees that were planted this winter. The trees are all looking healthy and their leaves are just beginning to burst. Hopefully this year will see virtually no fatalities. In order to help make sure this doesn’t happen, volunteers mulched many of these trees this morning with bark chippings very kindly provided by Thanet District Council. Adding mulch around the trees will help make sure that weeds don’t grow up around the trees competing for moisture and nutrients as well as adding organic material slowly to the soil. Here at Dane Valley Woods we would like to thank all of those who turned up and would like to apologise for all of the rain. Unfortunately, the three hour window of sunshine that we had ordered didn’t turn up. Thankfully, the trees didn’t seem to mind.
Treemendous volunteers plant 400 trees in 3 hours
A fantatsic effort by hardy volunteers at Dane Valley Woods planted around 400 trees on Saturday morning. The site now boasts an impressive array of spindle, willow, hazel, dogwood, box, wild service tree and field maple whips that will form part of a community woodland in the heart of Margate. Why not come and join us next Sunday (26th February) where we will do the same thing all over again.
Annual General Meeting and Woodland Talk by Kent Wildlife Trust
This should be a really interesting evening. As well as finding out what we have been up to over the last 12 months and what we plan to do for the next 12 months we will be joined by Neil Coombs from Kent Wildlife Trust who will give a talk entitled “Managing Woodlands for Wildlife”.
So if you’ve ever wondered who Dane Valley Woods are, what we get up to and why then come along, it’s free and refreshments will be provided.
Woodland Action Day
A morning of tasks keeping the woodland in tip top condition.
We meet at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley Allotments at the end of St Peter’s Footpath or find us in the woodland.
There is no need to book but please let Steve know if you intend to come along as it helps us organise refreshments and tasks.
We provide all tools and safety equipment but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes. All ages welcome.
Woodland Action Day
A morning of tasks keeping the woodland in tip top condition.
We meet at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley Allotments at the end of St Peter’s Footpath or find us in the woodland.
There is no need to book but please let Steve know if you intend to come along as it helps us organise refreshments and tasks.
We provide all tools and safety equipment but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes. All ages welcome.
Woodland Action Day
A morning of tasks keeping the woodland in tip top condition.
We meet at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley Allotments at the end of St Peter’s Footpath or find us in the woodland.
There is no need to book but please let Steve know if you intend to come along as it helps us organise refreshments and tasks.
We provide all tools and safety equipment but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes. All ages welcome.
It’s Tree Planting Time
This Sunday sees the first of this winter’s tree planting mornings at Dane Valley Woods. Timed to coincide with National Tree Week Dane Valley Woods will be planting native trees in Margate’s own community woodland.
Native tree species are those that were found in the United Kingdom before humans started moving plants and animals around. We favour the planting of these trees as they have been a part of our environment for longer than other trees and generally more insects and other animals live on, in and around them.
Why not come and join us in the woods on Sunday 27th November or Sunday 11th December between 10am and 1pm. This map will show you where the woodland is.
What on earth is a Fedge?
Not an everyday term is your actual fedge. However, the idea is beautifully simple and with the help of AJS Crafts Dane Valley Woods have created one in their allotment HQ. A fedge is an alternative to a hedge or fence but combines the properties of both to create a living willow border. One year old willow stems are cut and then placed into the ground in the line of a hedge in a lattice formation. These stems are then woven and tied into place. These stems will then grow into living willow stems and create a semi permanent border as well as a beautiful structure. Thanks to all of the people who helped out on the day as well as for the lovely food.
Tree Planting
More tree planting! Top banana.
Come along anytime between 10am and 1pm and get stuck in to the real purpose of the community woodland, planting trees. All you need to bring are a strong pair of shoes or boots and we will provide the trees and tools, not to mention the tea.
Tree planting is a great way to spend a morning and really rewarding as you get to see the fruit of your labour, knowing that with a little luck it will be growing in the same spot for several hundred years.
We will meet at 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley Allotments at the end of St Peter’s Footpath or find us in the woodland any time throughout the morning.
There is no need to book but please let Steve know if you intend to come along as it helps us organise refreshments and tasks.
We provide all tools and safety equipment but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes. All ages welcome.
Fedges, Fires and Food
We will be joined by woodland craftsman Alan Sage as we continue to improve the headquarters by planting a living willow woven fence (often called a fedge). There will also be other tasks and we will have a fire with food. Suitable for all ages.
We meet at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley Allotments at the end of St Peter’s Footpath or find us in the woodland.
There is no need to book but please let Steve know if you intend to come along as it helps us organise refreshments and tasks.
We provide all tools and safety equipment but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes. All ages welcome.
A New Sign for Dane Valley Woods
We managed to avoid the showers to day and had a great time properly installing the pond, recreating the glade in the woods and creating a new sign to hang from the container at the HQ. The pond is now installed and awaiting rainwater and we had a lot of help preparing a new sign for the container made out of objects found in the woodland.
Archaeology Woodland Action Day
Today’s activities will be jointly led by the Isle of Thanet Archaeology Society as along with all the usual work in the woods we will be helping the society excavate a section of the original St Peter’s Footpath. Exciting times indeed! There will also be a variety of other activities going on as the number of places at the dig site will be limited.
We meet at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley Allotments at the end of St Peter’s Footpath or find us in the woodland.
There is no need to book but please let Steve know if you intend to come along as it helps us organise refreshments and tasks.
We provide all tools and safety equipment but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes. All ages welcome.
Tree Planting
It’s tree planting time!
Come along anytime between 10am and 1pm and get stuck in to the real purpose of the community woodland, planting trees. All you need to bring are a strong pair of shoes or boots and we will provide the trees and tools, not to mention the tea.
Tree planting is a great way to spend a morning and really rewarding as you get to see the fruit of your labour, knowing that with a little luck it will be growing in the same spot for several hundred years.
We will meet at 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley Allotments at the end of St Peter’s Footpath or find us in the woodland any time throughout the morning.
There is no need to book but please let Steve know if you intend to come along as it helps us organise refreshments and tasks.
We provide all tools and safety equipment but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes. All ages welcome.
Art Workshop and Woodland Action Day
A selection of activities for all ages going on at our headquarters at Dane Valley Allotments. We will be creating environmental art as well as undertaking pond construction and other work in the woods. Entrance is free.
Meet at the Dane Valley Woods HQ any time between 10 and 1.
New Events Programme
Dane Valley Woods have a new events programme so that you will know exactly when we are up and active as well as what we are up to. There are some great events coming up includeing joint events with our neighbours the Windmill Community Allotment Project and with the Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society as well as the usual tree planting and woodland management. You can download a copy of the Events Programme by clicking here. Don’t forget that there are also more details on the Events Page.
DVW joins forces with Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society
Dane Valley Woods are in the final stages of arranging a partnership with the Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society to investigate the original route of St Peter’s Footpath. Geophysical surveys will eventually be carried out to find out if the footpath used to run through Dane Valley Woods, and we will then be digging some test pits to see if this is the case and if there are any other archaeological finds that might indicate the nature of activities that used to go on in Dane Valley Woods. The first event will be on Saturday August 13th but check out the events page for more details.
Dane Valley Woods Open Day
A joint event with our neighbours the Windmill Community Allotment Project. A chance to come and see the woodland in the height of the summer and take part in fun family activities. We will be joined by environmental artist Ruth Cutler who will give you the chance to make something creative out of nothing and take it away with you.
There will also be guided walks to give you an idea of the work we are doing with the woodland and the diverse wildlife which inhabits it.
Events will be free and going on from 10am to 4pm (art workshops 11am & 1pm). Come and meet us either at our HQ at the end of St Peter’s Footpath or at our stand in the community allotment.
Woodland Action Day
A morning of tasks keeping the woodland in tip top condition.
We meet at the Dane Valley Woods HQ in Dane Valley Allotments at the end of St Peter’s Footpath or find us in the woodland.
There is no need to book but please let Steve know if you intend to come along as it helps us organise refreshments and tasks.
We provide all tools and safety equipment but please wear a sturdy pair of shoes. All ages welcome.
A hot and sticky task day
With the trees happily growing in the wood last Sunday saw us crack on with revamping the Dane Valley Woods headquarters. This included painting the tool store and the newly installed outdoor classroom as well as starting to dig a pond.
The pond will come as a welcome addition to the HQ and hopefully we will be able to add pond dipping to the range of things that people can do at Dane Valley Woods. Having said that, the hot weather and hitting chalk did make this a tough job. The tool store and the outdoor classroom is now looking fantastic and we are having a big event next month with the Windmill Community Allotment Project. Look out for more details in the events section.