All posts tagged Quiz


DVW Quiz

Quiz Night
Wed 28 February 2018, 7:30pm, Lesters pub (Ramsgate Rd, Margate), £3 per person, teams of up to 6
Come along to our quiz night, held Wednesday 28 February from 7:30pm, at Lesters pub in Margate, hosted by the one and only Horace Hotman. Teams of up to 6, with tickets costing £3 per person, with an option of hot meals from the pub, priced separately.
A great time was had by all at our last quiz in April, so please let us know if you want to reserve a table for your team via this link

DVW Quiz

Quiz Night
Thurs 27 April 2017, 7:30pm, Lesters pub (Ramsgate Rd, Margate), £3 per person, teams of up to 6
Come along to our quiz night, held Thursday 27 April from 7:30pm, at Lesters pub in Margate, hosted by the one and only Horace Hotman. Teams of up to 6, with tickets costing £3 per person, with an option of hot meals from the pub, priced separately.
A great time was had by all at our last quiz in November, so please let us know if you want to reserve a table for your team via this link

Quiz Night

Quiz Night
Thurs 10 November, 7:30pm, Lesters pub (Ramsgate Rd, Margate), £3 per person, teams of up to 6
Come along to our quiz night, held Thursday 10 November from 7:30pm, at Lesters pub in Margate, hosted by the one and only Horace Hotman. Teams of up to 6, with tickets costing £3 per person, with an option of hot meals from the pub, priced separately.
A great time was had by all at our last quiz in September, so please let us know if you want to reserve a table for your team via this link

The DVW Quiz

Quiz Night
Thurs 8th Sept, 7:30pm, Lesters pub (Ramsgate Rd, Margate), £3 per person, teams of 6-8. 
Come along to our quiz night, held Thursday 8th Sept. from 7:30pm, at Lesters pub in Margate, hosted by the one and only Horace Hotman. Teams of 6-8, with tickets costing £3 per person, with an option of hot meals from the pub, priced separately. A raffle will also be held throughout the night, and it should be a great event.
Please let us know if you want to reserve a table for your team via this link

The DVW Quiz

Teams of up to six are welcome to participate in The DVW Quiz, to help raise funds for the Woods. Limited space, so book in advance via or our Facebook and Twitter feeds

£5 a head, this includes quiz admission and cheese and biscuits. Bring your own drink. The venue is Taddy’s Barn, East Northdown Farm Nursery, George Hill Road, Margate, Kent, United Kingdom, CT9 3TS – see venue location via this link.

Also on the night will be a raffle and a heads and tails game. Arrive 7pm for 7.30pm start.

We hope to see you there!

The DVW Quiz

Teams of up to six are welcome to participate in The DVW Quiz, to help raise funds for the Woods. Limited space, so book in advance via or our Facebook and Twitter feeds

£5 a head, this includes quiz admission and cheese and biscuits. Bring your own drink, although some wine will be available to purchase on the night. The venue is Taddy’s Barn, East Northdown Farm Nursery, George Hill Road, Margate, Kent, United Kingdom, CT9 3TS – see venue location via this link.

Also on the night will be a raffle and a heads and tails game. Arrive 7pm for 7.30pm start.

We hope to see you there!